Comments & Kudos
My clients and students speak out...
class was great! For once, practical information you can use the
next day without spending additional time and resources to implement
what you learned. If you work on a web site, I highly recommend it."
- Non-profit student
"I loved/hated the writing exercises-but they were VERY valuable. As painful and difficult as they could be for me, it was the quickest method to point out what you do and don't know. With each one, you learn and improve a little!"
-University of Louisville student
is all I can say!
"Anyone who comes to Merry Bruns' writing
for the Web boot camp, comes away much better
prepared for Web survivalist training. The exercises
and group-think critiques provide exceptional
opportunities to learn by doing rather than talking
about how to do it."
- Bradley G.
Dir. of Media Services & Public Affairs
New York State Bar Association
compelling and highly useful program.
I learned how to tighten up my writing
to make it more appealing and useful
to both insiders and the casual Web
you for the training! As you noted,
we are all pioneers.... You, however,
are not only a trail blazer but also
one who marks trails and then writes
a book and publishes a map — all
to make it easier for those who come...well,
right behind you, we hope."
-- Wash.DC publisher
You are a terrific instructor, and you really have a gift for explaining things to people- making writing much easier!
-- Mary
American Public Power Association
wanted to tell you how surprised I was
at the effect of your class on my writing
back at work. I noticed it especially
when reworking a few sentences on a
Power Point presentation for new Patent
Term Adjustment regulations."
-- Government agency
"Merry showed us how to look at a Web site with a clinical and critical
eye. This helped me dissect our own site and see it through the eyes
of the user. Her style is clear and direct.
"The session was not only informative, but it was fun as well. With
the techniques Merry showed us, I will never see the Internet quite
the same way again.
"Thanks Merry!
-Frank J. Ciervo
Associate Director
Media Services & Public Affairs
New York State Bar Association
you again for 2 days of content building jam sessions! "
some classes, I 'm leaving with ideas,
concepts, and reference materials
that I can use immediately. I now have
a lot of sites to visit with your comments
on what is good and what is not- I know
look back at these examples and build
using these examples.
"Doing the exercises, and then viewing other’s work, proved really helpful to me!"
wanted to tell you how surprised I was at the effect of your class
my writing back at work. I noticed it especially when reworking a few
sentences on a Power Point presentation for new Patent Term Adjustment
thanks for the work accomplished in class these past two days. It was
a big help to me as I proceed with an overhaul of one client's site.
"As I said, I've been involved
with a couple of sites, but always supervising
people who knew more than me, this was
helpful in orienting me to that world."
so much for all the great information you shared in the Web writing
class last week in Washington. It helped me put on my "Web writer's
thinking cap" in a new way. The practice was terrific."
" I
just wanted you to know that, as a result of a contact I made at your
class, I've accepted my first Web job! As of May 1, I'll be working
as an associate producer at *** . I'm thrilled beyond words.
"I thought
you might be interested to know that
your class bore some interesting fruit.
Thank you, not only for the great class,
but also for the wonderful
example you set."
a note to say how much I enjoyed your
course this past week. The content was
great and your style of presentation
was energizing and helpful."
" I
like the inspirational and sharing aspects
of the class-I know I'm not alone!"
wanted to say thanks for teaching the
Web writing/editing class. It made some
important points and got me looking
at the content side of
my job with fresher eyes (even in that
short session!)."
loved all of the meaningful examples.
I never get to play on the web anymore,
so seeing what's out there helps a lot-especially
being guided
through the terrain."
instructor has so much knowledge with
such a diverse background and has no
problem conveying her thoughts. I loved
the conversational atmosphere."
I wanted to thank you so much for your help and guidance. Michelle and
I met with the entire Web team staff and shared the critique of our
site. We had a really productive meeting and are in the planning stages
of redesigning the site."
me, one of the best things I got out of the workshop was just knowing
that there are other people out there working with the same problems
I am.
"Here at Penn State, I basically
work in a vacuum and have no opportunity
to talk with others in my field, if
there even are any. Most web writing
is handled by people with other responsibilities,
I'm one of the few
staff members devoted to writing on
the web. "
"It also gave me a real sense of worth...because of how it works
here, I guess I've felt that web writing is not really a specialty,
but now I see that it is. The workshop opened my eyes to career possibilities
and I no longer feel pigeonholed as I have in the past."
"I loved the web sites you used as examples in your teaching. For
me, the best way to learn is by seeing it in action.
"It also gives me a better opportunity to show things to my manager here and say "see what so-and-so has on their site, we should do that."
taken your class - and it was great! You should toot your own horn!"
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ScienceSites Communications
Washington, DC
All Rights Reserved.
Last update: 1.4.17